Me in a canoe.JPG

“The Coptic Cross,”, Personal Essay

“At the age of 10, when I learned to water ski on the Aegean Sea, I proudly wrote to tell my grandfather. He wrote back to say he’d learned too, on the East River. “

“The Battle of Jericho,” Citizen, Short Fiction

“They extended the hush harbor upwards into the sacred plane and then pointing outwards, their hands shaking like leaves in a furious wind, they moved the hush harbor backwards through time and welcomed the ancestors into the present. Emmanuel brought the shofar to his lips and blew. Now brother! One shouted. Come believer! A dancer hollered. Shout sister! Earnest cried.”

“In the Aftermath,” Granta, Short Fiction

“The night we moved Uncle Raleigh’s cold body into the dining room, the only one with a working air-conditioning unit, his spirit rose up again and teetered the few steps to our bedroom door, wheezing all the way.”

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